Wednesday, April 28, 2010

More old cartoony stuff... Part 1

Rummaging around I unearthed some unpublished stuff from years ago for various project pitches. These were all fun and very challenging. Some of them have that Golden Books feel which I never even realized until my AD at the time pointed it out. Amazing what our minds will pull from when asked to step out of our creative comfort zones. Anyway I'll post some more soon. Hope you enjoy my little strolls down memory lane until I can show new stuff:)


Q.Frost said...

He's right, they do have that quality about them. I like the last best, I think because of the limited palette. Fun stuff!

Ray Lederer said...

Thanks Q! I was experimenting with quick color overlays at the time.

Jim Stigall said...

All of these cartoony pieces are absolutely stunning, Ray!