Wednesday, May 13, 2009

baaaaahhhh heres what i ended up with, i wanted to do alot more but ive been in crunch for a long time and basically said fuck it, called it done. ill probably do a nice render later, and i built a nice rig so ill do some anims for fun. but here she is.


Ray Lederer said...

Awesome Rob! I love the nice compact tech stuff. Especially the feet! Ok ya'll, Get ready for my Big Foot rant: Big feet on critters have always bugged me! Too much weight on the end of the legs is anatomically inefficient and registers in our brains as 'wrong' and yet so many young artists do it. There are NO animals that have giant bulky feet for a good reason... you wouldn't be able to run or even walk very far without being totally exhausted within a minute or two or tripping over them. There are animals like frogs etc that have large surface area on their feet BUT not bulk and volume. They are efficient and lightweight and do exactly what they need to do.

Man I need to put my inner German back in it's closet.

ANYWAY... I love it Rob:) Very cool design!

Unknown said...

Great stuff Robb, I think you handled those mechanics masterfully.

How do you explain clowns then Rayford? HOW!?!?

Jim Stigall said...

Dig it! I think it turned out great, man!

Angi said...

lol clowns and their plastic shoes...

yes! very awesome already!! But for the sake of seeing what else was running around in your head... I hope you return to it later and finish your thoughts! ><

Angi said...

Congrats!!! ^__^ just saw the results!