Maria Garcia. Learned a lot on this one. I'm not at all happy with my proportions or edge quality however I did come away with some insight on how to approach next time around. There's a few nice things happening on her head. I hope I get the chance to draw her again as I definitely only caught a glimmer of her essence this time around.

I like the feel of the hair. Overall you are treating the whole evenly. I might suggest you allow some of the drawing to be less developed, finding a line for the eye to follow. But you might already know that, judging from your comment on line weight. - Q
Thanks Q and I hear you on the implied edges. You helped confirm a few things that were bothering me about it. The last few drawings have been regimental and methodical as if drawing in layers without much feeling. I'm basically creating my own curriculum and right now my emphasis is on accuracy... which still needs a lot of help! Thanks for the feedback:)
BTW, if you want to post here I need your email address to invite you. Nate Storm was asking about your website too so he could see your portfolio for consideration at ND. Maybe you should make those public in your Blogger profile?
Thanks! Sent you an email. - Q
Nice portrait Ray -- I really enjoy the kind of soft blocky nature of charcoal, and I think you are using it perfectly here.
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