I'm going to attempt a WIP series on my blog that will hopefully keep me motivated to see it through to completion. I've been reading Moby Dick recently which has inspired about a 1000 different illustration ideas so I'm going to try a couple of them. My goal will be to post stages of progress which may last months given my schedule:) Starting here are some very rough thumbnails of scenes in my head while reading along. The tail fluke idea comes from the part of the book when they've gotten surrounded by a huge pod of sperm whales in the south Asiatic Sea. A ring of whales has surrounded mothers and calves who swim just below their tiny boat regarding them with (slightly curious) indifference. The visual effect in my mind is a slithering mass of (what must seem like to the whalers) eyes, flukes, and teeth just below the surface.

I also have the ubiquitous White Whale jumping out of the tumultuous sea with Ahab's boat in the foreground which is always fun. As you can see I've thrown in some steep high waves to create a sense of even more peril. The other one I really like is a top down view again of Ahab's boat cutting across MD as his pectoral fin is cutting through the water towards Ahabs boat. Seeing this one through I think will be a challenge and could be a strong yet subtle piece. We'll see:)

My immediate goals are to do some very strong refined drawings using models and props with anything I can make, beg, borrow, or steal. Stay tuned...
cool idea, and it looks like you are really drama-ing them up. I've been meaning to do something similar (although not MD) as well. It's great how much a well written story can inspire a drawing.
Good compositions! And you haven't overworked the sketches, which is really easy to do in this format. Good stuff!
Great idea, Ray. This is inspiring. I wanted to do this for Stephen King's novel "Cell" some time ago but never did. Perhaps it's time. :)
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