The illustration is from a design brief for a book called Green by Jay Lake that is due to be published soon by Tor books. Dan Dos Santos has the honor of illustrating the real cover and it's a beauty. I'm fortunate enough to have had some great input from Dan, Scott Fischer, Greg Manchess, Donato, Boris and Julie, and the rest of the IMC alumni of 2008. Thanks all! I could not have progressed as far as I did without your help and encouragement!
Medium: Digital and Oil on Panel

Awesome Rayford - this is a cool piece. You have some really cool and complex things going on, especially the lighting.
I also saw your post on CA, and agree with the general comments abour the legs, they look more like a squat than a stance that supports normal bow + arrow movement.
ray this is fan fukin tastic, i also agree with the comments on ca, but man your rendering skills are really getting scary good. keep posting i love seeing your stuff
awesome Rayford... great talking to you over the weekend...with Beer!
show more leg baby... ok, no messing around now, I think some of the highlights on her face can be softened up a bit color and edgewise, she feels a bit metallic. overall, striking drama, story and composition!
WHoooa- holy f-balls this is Awesome. stance seems a bit stiff for how dynamic everything else is, but I`m just jumping on the critique bandwagon :P
Yep agreed on all the crits... I'll put it all to use next time:)
Chiming in late, Ray. Beautiful!
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