Friday, April 13, 2007


A quick painting of Tess. About 1 1/2 hours. Playing with skin tones from photo reference.


Unknown said...

Awesome Jim! Is that Painter?

Jim Stigall said...

Sadly no, it's Photoshop. I keep saying I am going to sit down and use Painter more, but it never seems to happen. I did, however, paint this after watching video of Jeremy Sutton doing a portait in Painter - so there's the influence. :)

G-licious said...

That's really great Jim! Nailed the likeness!

Unknown said...

looks awesome jimmy, i like what you did with the background as well. It does really seem to read like paint.

One critique would be that your brushstrokes could follow the form more, which would really make this pop - they seem a bit random right now.

Jim Stigall said...

Agreed, Nate. I also need to set up better lighting and actually make an effort if I am going to be using photo ref. You can totally tell that the main light source is a flash. :P